Putting the video slide show and book together with Dad for Papaw was more fun than work. Papaw has accomplished incredible things in his 80 years with us and I really enjoyed looking through and organizing all of the old pictures. For the most part, I see Dad and Papaw as almost the same person except for a thirty year age difference. Dad inherited moral ethics and values from Papaw that I’m lucky enough to have myself.
I’ve never known anyone who worked so hard to provide for his family. Papaw has always been selfless and caring. Even now, when he and Meemaw stay in Arlington to watch Austin and I, Papaw wakes both of us up early and we all eat breakfast together. On really cold days Papaw always goes outside and starts my car for me so its heats up before I leave for school. I really admire Pawpaw and Meemaw, and the unconditional love and respect they have for each other. I remember staying at the ranch when I was younger and watching them sit out back together every morning, drinking their coffee and watching the sunrise. After Papaw’s accident, Meemaw refused to leave his side. I don’t blame her. After almost 60 years of marriage and even more years of history together, I wouldn’t be able to leave either. I hope to find the same relationship they share with someone some day.
Lauren McIntire
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