When I was much younger, maybe 7 or 8, I was talking to my grandma and telling her how much I loved being out in the country and she simply replied that everyone did when they were younger. I knew I wouldn’t be like that though. I am always going to enjoy being out at the farm and so far those are still my feelings. Even though I’m out in the country less and less, most of my favorite memories are out there. I remember spending weeks at a time out there waking up early having the best breakfasts and then learning how to drive a tractor. I would sit in grandpa’s lap with my hands on the steering wheel helping drive. That’s one thing I will never forget. My most fond memory of the farm though is going out and feeding the cows with my grandpa. Out there I always felt intimidated by the enormousness of the cows especially because at that time I was barely over 3 feet tall but grandpa would just walk through the herd so nonchalantly that I couldn’t do anything less than admire and love him. I still do and I always will, which is something that I can only say about a handful of people in my life. My grandfather is one the greatest men I know and will ever know and it would be the achievement of a lifetime if I could live to be the man that he and my father both are.
Austin McIntire
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